We have met with Stoki-Sikawa-Podgórze Community Council. During the meeting we have presented our idea for calming traffic in the area. Our idea was unanimously accepted.

Skrzyżowanie ul. Janosika z ul. Telefoniczną

Stoki Community Council got in touch with us in 2015. They were interested in our project and wanted to use best practices in terms of taking care of traffic safety. After a presentation which we delivered, the Community Council decided to spend several dozen thousands of zlotys in order to proceed with the ideas in the upcoming year. Full amount of this money is to be spent by the Road and Transportation Facilities in order to reorganise the traffic in the area. In the next step, the Community Council asked residents of their estate where the changes are needed the most according to them. Most pointed to intersections of Edwarda, Pomorska and Krokusowa; Janosika and Telefoniczna; and Janosika with Powstańców Śląskich

Next, a meeting with the Road and Transportation Authorities was organised. There, Fenomen proposed a free design of traffic organisation in the area in a way that the Road and Transportation Authorities could proceed with the decisions made by the Community Council.

Now, since the design is ready, the Community Council is to visit the Road and Transportation Authorities and decide on a starting point regarding the traffic calming activities.