Okładka publikacji nt polityki rowerowej


The new issue of our publishing house is devoted to cycling infrastructure. As we were able to see in the previous issue, in Gdańsk such infrastructure is treated as a way to improve traffic safety for all road users. 

In this issue we look closer at solutions beneficial for traffic safety with particular emphasis put on cyclists. The number of bicycles in Poland is growing - according to the Central Statistical Office over 70% of Poles owns a bike. It is visible on city streets as well, as a growing number of residents uses bikes as an everyday means of transport.

Such an increase in cycling, however, calls for traffic safety improvements in the form of cycling infrastructure. it is a common misconception that the above is achieved by builing new, separate bicycle lines. In fact, in a lot of European cities the cycling infrastructure is being developed and improved, very often without creating new, separate routes.

Taki wzrost ruchu rowerowego wymusza jednak zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa ruchu poprzez tworzenie infrastruktury rowerowej. W przekonaniu wielu osób dla rowerzystów buduje się jedynie drogi dla rowerów, popularnie nazywane ścieżkami. Choćby w tym zwrocie kryje się już mniej poważne traktowanie tego środka transportu. A jest to błąd. W wielu miastach Europy i coraz częściej w metropoliach świata tworzy się wciąż większą sieć infrastruktury rowerowej. Niejednokrotnie wcale nie budując separowanych dróg dla rowerów.

While creating separated bike routes, we need to remember that a lot of streets are too narrow for it. The solution is quite simple and common in many civilised cities of the world. Bike routes painted on streets, advanced stop lines at intersections and special counter-traffic lanes enable a bike to ride toward traffic on one-way streets.

~Hubert Barański



We encourage you to get acquainted with our publication "Inna droga - polityka rowerowa", available at ISSUU.COM

Publication on "Cycling policy"read online / download in a PDF form