Again, Michał Dobrzański was our guest at a meeting of "Bezpieczne Miasto - Inna Droga" (Safe City - a Different Way). This time, the meeting covered the topic of roadworks and their influence on all road users.

Foto: Dziennik ŁódzkiThe term 'temporary' implies that we're talking about something that appears for a moment, vanishes after a moments and is hardly noticed. Unfortunaty, our public space creators often forget that any roadwords in a city are an 'open heart surgery'. You cannot renovate a street and forget about people who are still using it daily - residents wanting to access their apartments or other people for whom it is the only route to reach their workplace or school.

We invited Michał Dobrzański, a PhD candidate in the Philosophy Institute at the University of Warsaw and the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. Since 2012 he has been writing for Insytut Obywatelski (Citizen Institute) on the topic of mobility. Our expert points to the fact that the main point of a temporary traffic arrangement is to plan roadwords in a way that they are as smooth as possible for the people still using the area. Infrastructure users should now that despite new arrangements, the city did everything it could to meet with their needs as well.