
English logo of project Safe City

After meetings held with Julianów residents, where they pointed to all places that could be made better in their estate, designing stage and agreeing on new solutions as well as meetings with the Community Council, we are happy to present our project.

The area which we considered in our planning is surrounded by Zgierska (from the West), Sikorskiego (from the North), Łagiewnicka (from the East) and Biegańskiego (from the South).

Full area - map in PDF format (click), - KEY 

Całość obszaru projektowego z naniesionymi propozycjami








Particular road solutions (all maps in PDF format): 


Nie jest to oczywiście ostateczny projekt, gdyż cały czas czekamy na sugestie mieszkańców. Dopiero po naniesieniu tych uwag oraz propozycji zgłoszonych przez Radę Osiedla Julianów-Marysin-Rogi, przystąpi do rozmów z Zarządem Dróg i Transportu. 

About project

The project „Safe City – a different way” is financed with a sum of 285 000 zł from Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein as part of Citizens for Democracy Programme (implemented by the Stefan Batory Foundation in partnership with the Polish Children and Youth Foundation) with EEA Funds. The project is aimed at increasing the influence of citizens of Łódź on decisions and actions, which are to ensure road traffic safety and quality of public space.

Project partners